Tim rudman biography
Tim Rudman began his involvement with Photography in the ’s whilst studying medicine in London. He taught himself to print in the darkroom and, with his distinctive style of Black and White printing, quickly gained some early recognition and publication.
Tim rudman photography All these chemicals will continue to carry the Agfa-Rhombus. These popular events specialise in darkroom printing and toning techniques for artistic expression and personal development. Varycon VC FB from Fotokemika is a good warmtone lithable paper but I have little experience with it for conventional printing and toning and can't comment much further on it. Royal Albert Hall, London.His work has been exhibited in over 50 countries around the world, gaining many awards.
For many years he pursued his two loves of medicine and photography together, but now devotes his time to photography. Today he is respected internationally as a photographer, printer, author, educator and authority on darkroom printing and toning techniques.
His name is particularly linked with his pioneering work in the beautiful process of Lith Printing, a process in which he is widely regarded as the leading authority and practitioner. His work and publications in this field are held to be primarily responsible for its current popularity as a photographic art form around the world.
Rudman has been a regular writer and lecturer, conducting darkroom workshops in Britain, Ireland, Spain, Australia, Canada and America.
His four books on photographic printing and toning techniques are critically acclaimed and are widely used in teaching establishments. His work has been published extensively in many countries.
Rudman is a member and past Chairman of The London Salon of Photography, A Life Fellow of The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain. He was a founder member and subsequent Chairman of the Royal Photographic Society’s Distinctions Panel for Photographic Printing and has been widely involved with the Society's Distinctions assessments for some 35 years. He was awarded the Society's Fenton medal and Hon life membership in
He is a member of the Arena group of photographers in the UK, the Freestyle Advisory Board of Photographic Professionals in Hollywood, California, USA and is an advisor to the Lishui International Handmade Photography Centre, Lishui, China.
His work is represented in a number of permanent and private collections around the world, including the British Royal Family and the renowned RPS Permanent Collection housed in the Victoria and Albert museum in London UK.
His photographic prints are individually hand crafted in the darkroom using silver gelatine materials processed to the highest archival standards and toned mainly with selenium, gold and sulphides, both for aesthetic reasons and to ensure archival permanence.
He is currently represented in Melbourne, Australia by Gold Street Gallery
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memberships & affiliations
The Royal Photographic Society
- Fellowship in Visual Art
- Awarded Fenton Medal and Hon life membership
- Fellowship Review Board -
- Distinctions Adjudication Panel in Photographic Printing :
- Founding member ( – )
- Chairman ( – ) - Distinctions Adjudication Panel in Visual Art:
- Member ( – ) - Distinctions Adjudication Panel in Landscape:
- Member ( – ) - Selector - Tyng Permanent Collection ( - ; - )
Lifetime Fellowship of British Professional Photographers Association
Fellow Royal Society of Arts
London Salon of Photography: Past Chairman & current member
Freestyle Advisory Board of Photographic Professionals, Hollywood, California
Member of Arena
Associateship: India International Photographic Council, for services to photography
Distinction of Excellence of the Federation International de l’Art Photographique
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Books (Author)
‘The Photographer’s Master Printing Course’ ().
A critically acclaimed best seller. Multiple reprints. Revised
- ‘The Master Photographer’s Lith Printing Course’ (). The first and still the only instructional book on this process. Multiple reprints. SOLD OUT
- ‘The Master Photographer’s Toning Book’ ('The Photographer’s Toning Book’ in USA). ().Critically acclaimed as the most comprehensive toning guide in print.
Reprinted Sept read review. SOLD OUT
- ‘World of Lith Printing’ ().The only published international collection of Lith prints and techniques . Soft back and limited edition hard back with hard slipcase. SOLD OUT
- Exhibition book 'The Colourful World of Black & White' (). Thanks, Jamin Dear Jamin, The answer is yes they will receive significant archival protection at that level. Hi Tim, Please can you tell me, where can you get sodium sulphide, for sepia toning? This is why Speedibrews packs it in glass tubes. Rudman, I have just started to tone and recently purchased your book on toning.
- 'Iceland. An Uneasy Calm. Toned monochrome prints from Iceland. Foreword by Bill Schwab. Introductory essay by Tim Rudman.Tim rudman biography Kind Regards,. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg, as these results can be modified considerably by partial bleaching or partial toning, or by both. There are 2 reasons to do this in 2 steps instead of one. He was awarded an Associateship by the India International Photographic Council, for services to photography, and holds the distinction of Excellence of the Federation International de l'Art Photographique.
98 quad tone reproductions. 3 editions. SOLD OUT
- Exhibition book 'Lith Works'.
Books (Featured/contributed) include
- Experimental Photography Workbook (pending ). Prof. Christina Z Anderson. Routledge.
- 'Workshop Stories'. Elizabeth Opalenik. ()
- London Salon of Photography, Members Favourites ()
- 'The Photographer's Vision'.
Micheal Freeman. Ilex Press ()
- 'Portfolio Two'. Royal Photographic Society ()
- 'Portfolio Three'. Royal Photographic Society ()
- 'The London Salon of Photography Centenary - '
- ‘The Darkroom Cookbook’ 3rd Edn. Guest contributor / editor. Anchell ()
- 'Portfolio One’.
- Tim rudman biography5
- Item 3 of 5
- Tim Rudman: Darkroom master | Amateur Photographer
- Item 4 of 5
- Tim rudman biography5
- 'Arena editions: Tim Rudman'. ()
- ‘Arena Portfolios’. Arena ()
- ‘Art and Artists: Alternative Photography’. Fabbri ()
- ‘Fine Art Photography’. Hope/Rotovision
- ‘Photographic Printing’.
- ‘Darkroom Basicsand Beyond’. Hicks & Schultz
- ‘Landscapes, B&W’. Hope/Rotovison
- ‘Portraits & Figures’. Hope/Rotovision
- Photography Year Books. Various. Fountain Press
Featured Guest Artist. Portfolio & interview. Royal Photographic Society ()
Other Publications
Tim’s photographs, books, technical articles and series have been featured in many publications around the world, including:
- The Sunday Times; Photo Art International (resident feature writer - ) ; Amateur Photographer (feature writer); Silvershotz International Journal of Fine Art; The Photographic Journal`: Practical Photography; Landscape Photography; Black and White Photography: Photography Monthly: Ag; Exposures; Creative Photography; Darkroom User; Camera and Darkroom; PIC; Black and White Enthusiast; Mono; Visual Art; Creative Eye; Elements: Surrey Monocle; Photovision (USA); Photo Techniques (USA); Emulsion (USA); South African Journal of Photography; Better Photography (Australia); Australian Photography; Foto (Denmark); Foto Creativ (Germany); SLR; Unblinking Eye (Internet); Alternative Photography (Internet) and many others.
His photographs have been used in a number of advertising campaigns in UK and America.
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teaching & lectures Currently retired.
Tim's workshops to educators, professionals, students and hobbyists alike run around the year visiting many countries.
These popular events specialise in darkroom printing and toning techniques for artistic expression and personal development.
He has taught at many centres, including The Ansel Adams Center in California; Glendale & Santa Monica Colleges, California; The Creative Center of Photography, Hollywood; The Photographic Center North West, Seattle; The Photographers Formulary workshop center, Montana; University of W.
Sydney, University of NSW, Australia; University of Tasmania, Thames Valley University, London; and many other centers in Canada, Spain, Ireland and the UK.
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exhibitions; new & recent
Selected solo exhibitions
Most recent:
West Pier Trust. Brighton.'The End of the Pier' July - September
Gold St Studios & Gallery.
Trentham E, Melbourne, Australia. 'Lith works' July - 25th September
Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Wales, UK. 'Iceland - An Uneasy Calm' September 15th - November 11th
Dimbola Museum Galleries, Isle of Wight, UK. 'Iceland - An Uneasy Calm'. April 22nd - July 17th
Banbury Museum Art Gallery, Oxfordshire, UK.
'Iceland - An Uneasy Calm'. December 2nd - January 20th
Gold St Studios & Gallery. Iceland goes 'down under'. East Trentham, Melbourne, Australia. 28th June - 20th August
The Colour Factory, Melbourne, Australia, September 7th - Spetember 30th.
Dye House Gallery, Bradford, UK, 'Iceland - An Uneasy Calm'. January 12th - February 17th
The Lightbox Gallery & Museum, Woking, UK.
'Iceland - An Uneasy Calm'. April - July
Fox Talbot Museum Gallery, Lacock, National Trust, 'Iceland - An Uneasy Calm'. January - July
Blanco Negro, Sydney, Australia. April 'Tim Pieces of Silver'. Curated selection of silver gelatine prints from the Gold Street collection.
Silverprint Gallery. London UK: 'Treeworks'. A selection of toned silver gelatine B&W and lith prints from the 'Treeworks' collection.
April 3rd to May 9th
Bangwallop Gallery. Salcombe, Devon, UK. 'A Walk on the White Side'. Sept.
21st - March
Rook Lane Gallery, Frome, UK. Shared 'ARENA' exhibition. 21st Sept - 4th Oct
Gold St Studios & Gallery Australia. 'A Walk on the Whte Side'. 15th August - 6th October
Clark Gallery, The Gold Museum, Ballarat, Australia.'Silverworks'.
Aug 21st - Nov 27th
Bangwallop Gallery. Salcombe, Devon, UK. 'Treeworks' (part of). April 1st - July 17th
Gold St Studios & Gallery. Australia. 'Iceland - an uneasy calm' Feb 27th - April 27th
Gold Street Studios and gallery.
Melbourne, Australia. 'Tree Works'. October 11th January 29th
Meyer Gallery, Sydney, Australia. 'Iceland, an uneasy calm.' September 30th for 4 weeks.
The Manor House, Godalming, UK. 'Tim Rudman. The Colourful World of Black and White’ (August - July )
The Lightbox Gallery, 'Tim Rudman.
The Colourful World of Black & White'. Woking (May 19th - July 26th, )
National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham ()
Gallery on the Green, Warlingham (/07)
Fenton House Gallery, The Royal Photographic Society, Bath ()
The Freestyle Creative Center for Photography Gallery, Hollywood.
PMA. Sydney, Australia. ()
Selected shared exhibitions
Gold St Studios & Gallery.
Tim rudman biography1: If you are interested in this perhaps I can refer you to my book on toning 'The Photographer's Toning Book', which will give you very full details with colour examples of lots of these techniques in much more detail than I can do here. Tony Tony, I haven't answered your question yet as I was expecting you to come back to me with your location. He also states that it is the light rather than heat that causes the dyes to fade see the second part of your question. I doubt it is possible to heap too much praise on this book.
Trentham E, Melbourne, Australia. 'The Print Exposed'. March 1st - May 21,
Lishui Photography Museum, Nanjing, China. 'Reflections and Innovations'. October
Gold Street Gallery. Victoria, Australia. 'The Print Exposed'. July 5th - November 29th
Lishui Photography Museum, Nanjing, China. Handmade prints. November 8th - December 8th
Colour Factory Gallery, Victoria, Australia.
'Four by Four'. September 8th - September 30th
Sidcot Arts Centre, Somerset. Selectons from 'Treeworks" and 'Walk on the White Side'. Nov 1st to Dec13th
Silverprint gallery London UK. Exhibition of UK's leading printers using the new Ilford's Multigrade papers. Dec 19th to Feb 14th
Menier Gallery, London, UK.
Shared 'ARENA' exhibition. 10th - 22nd June
Royal Albert Hall, London. Royal PS selected members exhibtion
Salisbury Galleries.
Bangwallop Gallery, Salcombe, Devon. Represented artists show. Dec Jan
Meyer Gallery, Sydney, Australia. 'Portfolios' April 28th to May 23rd
The Print Exposed Trentham Victoria, Australia (Sept/Oct )
Guildford House Gallery, Guildford (Nov/Dec )
Independent Photographers Gallery, Battle (July/August )
‘Five Fellows to China’ Touring exhibition, China ()
The Camera Club Gallery, London ()
London Salon members exhibition, Letchworth Museum Gallery ()
RPS members exhibition, touring (/08)
Guildford House Gallery, Guildford (/07)
Salisbury Galleries, Salisbury ()
Gallery on the Green, Warlingham ()
RPS Distinction Panel Members Panel Exhibition, R.A.C., Pall Mall, London ()
RPS members exhibition, touring
Salisbury Galleries, Salisbury ()
Gold Street Studios, Sydney, Australia ()
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