Sister souljah no disrespect

No Disrespect

August 2,
This author certainly has no dearth of self love. She can’t go anywhere without first a puja to the ant-sister souljah.

Sister souljah no disrespect summary Author 4 books 49 followers. Buy on Amazon. She is amazing. Sister Souljah took me on a very personal, deep trip throughout her life as a bold, black woman growing up in poverty.

It seems everyone she interacts with reminds her of all of these fine qualities. So she reminds us.
i admit i am not from an oppressed racial group and my invisible backpack is loaded with givens, but is it really necessary to CONSTANTLY be self aggrandizing to feel ok about oneself? i think the repetitive i’m-so-awesome really diminished the rest of the writing.

And OH how disappointing her homophobia is.

She refers to CHOOSING to be gay and implies that ‘choice’ to be a lesbian must have resulted from being hurt by a man in the past. She rattles off ‘focus on the family’ hate crap like “sex between two women cannot bring about life.

No Disrespect by Sister Souljah - Goodreads Though I may not agree with all of her actions, I love the fact that this book is real life raw and gives someone pure examples of how tough, fun, or motivating life can be. Sign up Log in. Your account has been created. After reading Coldest Winter Ever, and then reading this book, I can honestly say that Sister souljah's style of writing grates on me.

It’s impossible because it wasn’t meant to be.” That is about as intelligent as saying all the descendants of Ham should be servants.
She talks about the importance of living with the people whose genetics you share. Like that happens in the straight world? And, in direct contradistinction to the research, says that same sex parents screw up their children.

She reminds us that the Bible, the Quran and the Torah say same-sex love is wrong. Wonder if she knows that the Bible and the Torah also say (in the same book of the Bible) that it is ok to own slaves, (Leviticus ), that you can sell your daughter into slavery (Exodus ) and that eating shellfish is an “abomination” (Lev) - the same word that Bible used for same-sex love.

Sister souljah I think that this character is very dumb and she couldn't even keep herself from getting played by every man she layed eyes on. Buy from Other Retailers:. No disrespect , Vintage books. I once read in a book that said "I believe if anyone should ever have the audacity to write a book about themselves they should always be honest, leaving the reader with a little dislike for the author.

Are there degrees of abomination? And if we are all made in the image of God (p )- why does God consistently make % of us INHERENTLY homosexual if that isn’t perfect too?
Dear Sister: gays don’t choose to be gay anymore than you chose to be black, or i chose to be short.

The book covers episodes - sometimes quite disjointed, from her life; bad choices (gay boyfriend, followed by an affair with a married preacher) included.

And some very sad vignettes (a ‘throw-away' 12 year old hooker being bamboozled by her 40+ year old pimp, a pathetic adolescent Tusani whose life is severely crippled by her unconscionable crackhead, hateful “mother”, well, egg donor). Violence, misogyny, & the devaluation of education are all sickeningly present.

She often mentions her love for her people - but casually insults them as group as in (p ) “Plus, most blacks are so weak-minded thatthey could not stay focused on their agenda…” What?!

There is a deep seated misogyny evident throughout the book.

Sister souljah no disrespect Loading interface She used it throughout her story. This author certainly has no dearth of self love. Product Details.

At the end she does a “listen up!” with info on what one should and should not do. She then goes on to make taboo all the sh*t she just described to us as having done - “stealing” another woman’s man, sleeping with a married man, even lying about pregnancy. Interesting that she had a ready rationalization for her actions then, huh?

She says “Many men are locked up in prison today because they took some silly woman seriously” and advises that you not speak to your girlfriends about the positives of your man because “Your girlfriends will become jealous and they will screw your man.” Grab a red pencil and let’s review what’s wrong with that statement: first please get yourself some new girlfriends and work on your definition of FRIEND.

Usually that includes folks who won’t betray you.

  • No disrespect : Souljah Sister : Free Download, Borrow, and ...
  • Second - he has no decision making apparatus? “they will screw your man” seems to indicate that he didn’t, oh by the way, screw them too. If this is such a tenuous & real possibility isn’t it time to find someone else, perhaps someone you can trust?

    If she truly loves all Africans, she needs to work on her love for her sisters.