Hourig sourouzian biography definition

Biography definition and examples During the fourth campaign in , geo-magnetic and geo-electric surveys were carried out and the excavation of the Great Peristyle Court was extended. The great peristyle court was consecrated to the celebration of festivals and also contained statues of Sekhmet. Viacheslav Kuleshov Stockholm University. Sourouzian believes that the Sekhmets may have been aligned along the walls of the peristyle court.

Hourig Sourouzian

Study of the wall reliefs and other decorated architectural elements of the temple of Amenhotep III (c. BC) in Kom el-Hettan (Luxor, Egypt)

Dr. Hourig Sourouzian is an Egyptologist and Art Historian. She is also a corresponding Member of the German Archaeological Institute and the ICOMOS Armenia.

Hourig sourouzian biography definition Also Dr. Little remained of the structure but much statuary was evident though mostly covered with meters of Nile silt. What we know today as the Colossi of Memnon, are in fact, two seated statues of King Amenhotep III which originally flanked the entrance to the first pylon of his monumental mortuary temple. Colossal statues were placed between the columns surrounding the open space of the court.

Her diploma is from École du Louvre (Paris) with her dissertation on The Monuments of King Merenptah. She has a degree from the École des Langues Orientales.  Later, she obtained her Doctorat d’État (PhD) at the University of Sorbonne (Paris) on Royal Statuary of the 19th Dynasty and a habilitation to teach.  

Since , she has worked in Egypt, participating in archaeological missions of Centre Franco-Egyptien Karnak, the Swiss Institute at the temple of Merenptah Thebes, the German Institute of Archaeology in Dahshur and Gurna, the French Mission in Tanis, and the French Institute in Karnak-North.

Since , she has directed ‘The Colossi of Memnon and Amenhotep III Temple Conservation Project’ in Luxor.

Hourig sourouzian biography definition wikipedia Between and , the team took out some of the broken pieces via a sledge using the same methods the ancients used to move colossal statuary. It was the largest single temple ever built in Egypt. In the Peristyle Court, the monumental alabaster statue of the White Hippopotamus was found, lift Sourouzian reminded the audience that these monuments were brilliantly painted in antiquity when they were new.

This project is under the auspices of the Ministry of Antiquities of Egypt and the German Institute of Archaeology and in cooperation with the Armenian Academy of Sciences.

She specialises in Egyptian art, mainly Egyptian sculpture. For an ARCE/EAP project, she reassembled the Monumental Statue group of Amon and Mut from Karnak in the Cairo Museum and is the author of several statue joins between museums and temples.

She was a guest professor at the American University in Cairo, the Universities of Munich and Vienna, the Collège de France and the Sorbonne in Paris.

She is a lecturer at Egyptian institutes of major universities and in Egyptian museums on Egyptian art and her research in statuary. She is the co-author of the Cairo Museum’s Catalogue and the author of numerous articles and reports on Egyptian art and archaeology, as well as contributing to exhibition catalogues on her works in Egypt and Armenia.

In the s and again in  she was an advisor in cultural and educational affairs at the Armenian Embassy in Cairo.