Mirza ghulam ahmad books in urdu pdf

We have found yet another rare book in the history of Ahmadiyya.

Hazrat masih maud biography books free Life of Ahmad. Victory of Prayer Over Prejudice. Which is a small village kasba in the east of these 3 cities 11 miles away from Batala, 24 miles from Amritsar, and 57 miles from Lahore. Jesus In India.

Its &#;Seerat Maseeh e Maud&#; by the Khalifa himself, Mirza Basheer ud Din Mahmud Ahmad, it was published in and In the below, we have posted the original Urdu and a brief english translation. In this book, on page-1, it was written, “Ahmad Akhri Zamana Kaa Rasool”, in english as &#;Ahmad, The Messenger of the Last Era&#;. They were essentially asserting that MGA was the last prophet/messenger.

This book corresponds exactly, almost word for word with an english book called &#;Hadhrat Ahmad&#;, which Ahmadiyya sources claim was initially written in in urdu, an english edition came out in In , Zafrullah Khan seems to have written the forward of the book, and many english editions followed thereafter.

The death story of MGA is also written therein, specifically about MGA getting injection into his heart (most likely an adreline shot). This injection story was never repeated again in any ahmadi literature.
The Urdu PDF

Seerat Masih Maoud&#;

Seerat Masih Moud (Ahmad Akhri Zamana ka Rasool)&#;

Trans Seerat Masih Maoud&#;

TITLE” SEERAT MASIH MAOUD (alahi salato wa salam)
WRITER: Hazrat Sahibzada mirza bashir uddin mahmood ahmad sahib
Khalifa tul masih sani ayada ullah ba nasarul aziz
Copied (manqool) from review of religiions URDU, Sept, Nov and Dec
PUBLISHED at Wazir e hind press Amritsar, organised by Bahi Bahadar Singh, Manager and
printer sadar Anjuman ahmadiyya qadian

Seerat Masih Moud by Mirza Bashir Mahmood&#;
A brief English translation of the Urdu PDF


Printed in February

On the Title Page of the book it says Seerat Masih Maoud

On the first page it states “Ahmad Akhri Zamana Kaa Rasool”

Translation of text in Red box PAGE 1
Ahmad who was the founder of Silsila Ahmadiyya, his full name was Ghulam Ahmad.

Hazrat masih maud biography books Follow me on Twitter My Tweets. He belonged to a well-known and noble family. The Narrative of Two Martyrdoms. Malfuzat - Volume IV.

was the dweller of Qadian. Which is a small village (kasba) in the east (of these 3 cities) 11
miles away from Batala, 24 miles from Amritsar, and 57 miles from Lahore. He (aap) was
born in this village (gaoun), in the house of Mirza Ghulam Murtza (father) on a Friday,
years either or Your birth was part of a twin (tawaam), yaanee a girl was also
born at the same time who died after a short time.

Translation Top of Page 3
After writing these brief accounts (halaat above) here is the part from Sir lapel Griffin&#;s
book The Punjab Chiefs, we see it quite appropriate to write the part, which is related to
the family (khandaan) of Hazrat Mirza Sahib.

Translation PAGE 4
Here is necessary/important to point out that, Ghulam Ahmad was the younger son of
Mirza Ghulam Murtza, who became/was the founder of a famous religious sect in Islam.
This man was born in and had a very good education.

In , according to Islamic
doctrine/tradition (bemoujab e Islam) claimed to be Mehdi or Masih (mehdi yaa masih). As
he was learned and mantaqee person (oxford dict MANTAQEE means logic, reasoning
and articulation), in no time he had many followers.

Translation Page 5
(Birth of Hazrat Mirza Sahib and his Childhood)
After writing briefly account of his family/khandan/tribe, we divert our attention towards him
(mirza ghulam ahmad), and as we have already mentioned in the beginning, he was born
in or That time was the hight (arooj best of time) of his father’s life.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________Links and Related Essay&#;s

The Punjab Chiefs by Lepel Griffin (, and edition), its data and scans

The death of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad from Ahmadi sources


Sir Lepel H.

Griffin (), The Panjab Chiefs, Online: pp



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